Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Sudden finds

Ik was papieren aan het opruimen, en dan wil je nog wel eens wat tegenkomen.

Once upon a time

I used to be catholic I think.

Last Month

In Kampen bij H. Dokter

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Friday, July 13, 2007

I thought you said the boy was in France?

Well what's he doing posting dead birds on the internet then?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

As there are those among you readers of this blog to whom Dutch is no more than seemingly incoherent banging on the keyboard, I thought I'd put up a post in the lingua franca of the interweb. Which concurrently is in all probability the mothertongue of you non-dutchies.
Anyhoo, as Ned Ryerson would say, I am right now staying in France, for those who aren't in the know (you are now, and doesn't that make you feel special?)
Without coincidence I am in fact staying at the same place as I was last summer. To be precise that is the southernmost bit hillyness of Normandy known as Ceton.
A lovely spot, very pleasing to the eye and all that.
It's therefore not surprising that I've done a fair amount of drawing here, I've even twice posted such drawings.
you may like to see them here: and here:

So far this year I haven't anything to show for you yet, seeing as my days are spent minding my little charges. But I did find something I scanned last time I made use of this old 'ordinateur'.

Well it's getting late, the twilit sky is growing hazy, and I feel like curling up with my P.G. Wodehouse (Summer Lightning),
when I have made something fresh and brilliant, you'll be the first to know.