Monday, October 26, 2009

Confounded evolutionary remnants

Not much by way of updates lately due to a very uncooperative appendix. I've been in the hospital for a couple of days and the whole recuperating thing is a bit more messy than was expected. So I won't be updating for a while as I've got a very busy schedule until the 13th of november.
After which I'll have plenty of new things to share with you.
Untill then, here are some mushrooms I did not make up.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

In other news

The Terrible Yellow Eyes exhibition at Gallery nucleus is apparently quite a succes. So If you're in the Los Angeles area and haven't seen it, you absolutely must. And If you have 350 dollars to spare, you can still buy my drawing.
Cory Godby did a write up of his adventures visiting the exhibition, you can read about it and see pictures of what must've been a most excellent evening on his blog:
(His blog is worth a visit anyway, as he's a great artist and he always has something interesting to say about his process).

More Boekie boekie

Love in the cake

This is an illustration I did for the new Boekie boekie. It's for a story called Love in the Cake, which sounds a lot better in Dutch.
Oh well

(Here's a bigger version)



I've always liked making puppets, but have always used rather idiosyncratic materials such as tissuepaper, rubber cement and straw, apart from more normal fare such as fabrics, and while I've usually been fairly succesful. The results were never what you might call very cuddly. But a couple of months ago I discovered needlefelting. For those who don't know, it's a technique whereby you shape a fairly solid mass from wool by repeatedly pricking it with a special needle, creating a shape of felt.
It's a very enjoyable thing to do, I imagine the same way knitting must be. And the results so far have pleased me no end.
Currently I'm working on several puppets which aren't finished yet. But here are a couple of my first critters.

Needlefelting experiments

It's Wumpus!

Underground tea and mushroom cakes

Underground tea

Doodles by the oodles

More than a month without blogging! Unforgiveable almost,
but one is so busy and one comes down with the flu every now and then too.
But to get things going again, here are some recent doodles and sketches.

(I've been rewatching the old Star Wars movies, hence the ewoks. And one of those litle guys is supposed to be Cat Rackham, one of my favourite webcomics by Steve Wolfhard)