Thursday, April 17, 2008

Last Chance!

It's going into its final week now,
the exhibition Mooi! (which I can't help but translating as Purrrty!)
Some pictures of mine can be seen there, along with work from fellow Fiep-awardee
Pyhai and other illustrators. We were asked because we're all illustrators of children's literature (some more than others though). And apparently the exhibition has been quite succesful.
What I found most interesting though, was the way it showed off some interesting differences in age and approach. Each illustrator has a style of his own that in my opinion seemed to very much belong to a certain age.
Though I'll leave it up to you to make any judgments on that.
You can see samples of all our work: here.

And if my camera's batteries hadn't given up I'd have shot more pictures,
but here you are.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He, waarom heb je dat niet even gezegd? Tot wanneer is het nog, en waar? Bren